Social Farming


“I was doing tours anyway…… I was kinda used to bringing people around in a way that they were learning a little bit about the local history or the local environment, whereas now it was more towards helping them in other areas of their life”


Traditionally, farms have been categorised as places where food is produced, however in recent times they have become more multifunctional. For example, farming has become increasingly linked to tourism activities leading to the establishment of a number of on-farm rural tourism enterprises. In more recent times the concept of ‘Social Farming’ has also grown roots in Ireland.

Social Farming is unique in that it supports multifunctional farming, whilst also overlapping with health and social care policy by providing valuable supports to people with a range of needs and challenges. Its aim is to provide an opportunity for inclusion, allowing participants to engage in everyday on-farm activities, boosting their social skills, self-esteem and confidence, as well as allowing them to improve their health and wellbeing by being out and involved in the natural environment.

Those who use social farms come from a range of different backgrounds including people experiencing mental health issues, people with intellectual, physical and sensory disabilities, older people, the long-term unemployed, young people who are at risk, and refugees, among others. Farmers who have become involved and facilitate social farming in Ireland are paid for their time and expenses incurred as part of providing this support. This helps them to enhance their viability and use the valuable natural and human capital on the farm.

For more information visit

Credit: Social Farming Ireland